I have so many things that I want to "get down" on "paper" that I really don't know where to start. It's almost as if I have to catch up on years of correspondence to an old friend.
But as I was thinking about my target confusion today, one topic sticks in my mind: I'm fed up with my job. Don't get me wrong, I love my career (I'm an architect, self employed). However, I cannot express how disappointed and sick I am of all of the people I have to work with on daily basis.
As you might have read in my "about me" section, I'm living in Chile right now. The road has been long, bumpy and often hellish. I don't really get any of the social codes. I don't understand their tardiness or lax attitude about the rules. I mean, the rules are there for a reason, right? Clients treat me like their slave, municipal workers look down on any project that is not over 1000 sq ft, my peers are always gossiping about other colleagues and secretly hoping they will fail. And to top it all off, being self-employed means chasing down clients that don't pay on time or ever in some cases. It's just such a toxic setting that all I want to do is leave them to their misery.
I know, I know, most of you have to deal with this even outside of Chile. Here's the punchline, though. I'm betting that it wouldn't be nearly as bad if I could do it all in English.
Anyways, all of this has lead to one conclusion. I need a break from my job. I say I need a break from architecture, which is equally true. So, I'm now looking for a job. Hopefully it will be something that has to do with English. I just want a nice, simple job where I can get my paycheck at the end of the month (yep month, that's the way we get payed here) and start saving up enough money to high-tail it out of here as soon as possible.
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