Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, its been a really long time since I've had the occasion to visit the coast which is funny because I live 4 blocks from the Pacific Ocean. But you know what it's like: we always take for granted the things we have right at hand. Fortunately, I had a chance to go to Higuerillas yesterday to drop off some magazines at a restaurant and decided to snap some pictures for you guys.

Let me bring you up to speed about Concón (pronounced more like cone-cone'). This city was founded as a tourist spot for plantation/ranchers that lived in the Aconcagua Valley (i.e. surrounding the Aconcagua River that flows from the Andes Mountains). It was traditionally a place for wealthy Chileans to take vacations (still is), so the cliffs that look upon the Ocean were settled first. One of these areas (maybe you can say that it's a barrio) is Higuerillas (fig orchard, literally). Presently, Higuerillas is a place where you can find fisherman and restaurants specializing in seafood (duh, right? lol)

In the first picture you can see a sea gull (noisy bastards) and a pelican. That was sheer luck. I was waiting for a bus, and I just starting snapping all I could before it passed me by.

A view towards the East. Higuerillas, along the coastline, is only about as long as a football field. Maybe a little longer.
Towards the West. This square was made a few years ago. Before that there was only a side walk wide enough for one person to walk on. The big stones are there to create an artificial harbor for the fisherman. Behind the red building you would find Concón's Yacht Club. These are the restaurants at the foothills. If you were facing the ocean, these would be at your back.

And there you have it. Your first look at Higuerillas.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mopin' Around

Yep, last week was a b****h. This week hasn't been much better. I found out just how much scum roams the Earth. It's amazing how hard work and dedication are always met with laziness and incompetence; how kindness and concern are met with disregard and aloofness; and how responsibility is met with blaming others for your lack of it.

Oh well, but that's something that will be dealt with in due time.

Last week, I had to measure (survey, whatever you call it) a warehouse. The owner needed blueprints for Health Services. That day it was freeeeezing in Valparaiso. It's almost Spring here and Spring means the beginning of the windy season. Sometimes we get cool soft, breezes. But when the winds blow as early as August, we get cold gales.

To escape some of the cold we decided to chase the sunlight. Not too much luck because the sun was setting. But we did stumble across a couple of benches that had been covered in mosaic tiles. We stayed a sec, just enough to snap these two pictures, and then we were on own way to a warmer place. :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Meet and Greet (en Español, tambien)

Okay, so I couldn't come up with a clever name, sue me. :P...

So here's the deal. The other day I ran into my sister and one of her (ESL) students. Her student was a little shy about speaking English with me, so my sister and I thought it would be a good idea to get her in a social setting with other Anglophones. That way she would be forced to speak English (insert wicked laugh).

Well that idea took off, and now we're planning a get together for Friday evening. All English speakers are invited as well as those who want to spend the afternoon brushing up on their conversational English. The only rule is NO Spanish (insert another wicked laugh)

We're going to meet up at Margaritai (across the street from Anayak in Viña) at 7:00 (19 hrs) on Friday (22). So, you are all welcome to join us.

Sucede lo siguiente. El otro día me encontré en la calle con mi hermana y una de sus alumnas. A su alumna le dio un poco de cosa hablar en inglés conmigo. Tener vergüenza al hablar un idioma que uno no domina es absolutamente normal. Nisiquiera yo me atrevo hablar otro idioma ¡que plancha!

En fin, una idea surgió de juntar anglo parlantes con Chilenos que están aprendiendo el idioma. Al parecer, mi hermana conoce a un montón de ambos. Por esto, fijamos una reunión para el viernes 22 en Margaritai (al frente de Anayak en Viña) a las 19 hrs. El horario es para acomodar a los mas viejitos y los que viven mas lejos...y, porque no, aquellos que tienen carrete más tarde.

La única regla es que SOLAMENTE SE HABLA INGLES. (jejejeje). Están invitados todas aquellas personas que hablan ingles o que quieren practicarlo por un rato en grata compañía. Nos vemos.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The New Project Part 3 (and extras)

Here are some more pictures of the hot pink sweater.

This is the back piece (almost finished :)) and the front right piece. See the orange needles...I absolutely HATE them. But, they were the only ones I had that were the right size. :P

Here's a close-up of the front piece (and the horrible knitting needles). Once I finish the back piece, I'll switch over to the other one.

Now for the extra stuff. I finally finished my granny square throw. It's one giant granny square (44x44 inches). I got the idea from another knitting blog. Once I find it again, I'll be sure to post her url.
Can't seem to get a picture of the whole thing, sorry.

Oh, and I decided that I'm going to make a second throw and add it to this one to make a blanket...check out the sketches:

And this is my mom's new project. This is what I call the "epic project": projects that last a long time, that sit there for weeks and that you can pick up in between shorter projects. Shawls, throws and blankets fall into this category. She's just buying small skeins of yarn when she runs out...the color scheme is arbitrary, depending on the colors they have at the store.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The New Project Part 2

Sorry about the delay on updating. I had planned to post these new pictures of the pink sweater yesterday, but it had been raining cats and dogs (all day) and I as I sat down to type, the power went out. The power was restored 12 hours later (yep, I know!)

Any who, here are the pictures I promised a few days ago.

Here's as far as I had gotten with the lacy part before I realized that I had gone too far. I had to rip back (aka frog) about 4 inches (10 cm)! That sucked, but I'm not going to be short on yarn like I thought I was.

Here's a close up of the back piece.

The yarn is bulkier than the one in the original pattern. That's why the holes in the lace aren't as noticeable. But I don't mind. I actually like how it's turning out.

I'll post s'more pictures of my progress soon. I'm almost done with the back piece and am half way done with the right front piece. Wow, I'm so excited to see it come together.

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Por eso Chile no Surge"

¿Cuantas veces he oído esta frase desde que llegué a Chile? Por lo menos día por medio. Lastima que lo escucho solamente de los Chilenos.

Hace un par de días me tocó pagar los derechos de una casa. Después de esperar varios minutos, me dieron el "papelito" que necesitaba para pagar en caja. Fui, confiada que iba a salir en otros cuantos minutos. Resulta que llego a la caja y me dicen que no tienen impresora. NO TIENEN IMPRESORA!

Como es que me pueden emitir un papelito para pagar si la caja (que está a 4 cuadras) no está funcionando? Acaso el personaje en la caja no es capaz de avisar que la caja no está funcionando (por teléfono, no estoy pidiendo que se sobre exalte el señor corriendo de depto en depto)? Es mucho pedir un poco de competencia? Aparentemente, sí.

Por eso Chile no surge.

El mismo día tomé una micro porque tenía una reunión en Viña. En promedio, me demoro 40 minutos en llegar a mi destino, por lo tanto me doy una hora. Total, he vivido acá por 15 años así que sé que las micros (los choferes, mejor dicho) se pueden demorar. Y llego 10 minutos atrasada porque el caballero decide darse su tiempo. Es media hora de mi tiempo que no podré recuperar jamas.

El sistema de transporte es un chiste. No puede ser que uno tenga que perder mitad de su día para llegar a la hora acordada. Y, obviamente, me abstengo en esta oportunidad de comentar sobre la tardanza generalizada en el país.

Por eso Chile no surge.

No señores, no es por eso que Chile no surge. Chile no surge porque todos están muy contentos con vivir su vida como está. A nadie le importa implementar un cambio porque da mucha "lata".

Aunque no esté de acuerdo, lo entiendo. Es muy simple la lógica: Es mas fácil vivir una vida donde todo funciona a medias que sacrificarse un poco para luego tener una vida mucho mejor. Pero, les digo que es una gran equivocación y por eso Chile no surge.

The New Project

I finally got new batteries for my camera! So, here's what I promised: the new knitting project.

As some of you may know, I absolutely love knitty. It's got some great patterns, helpful articles and it's just plain fun. However, I've always been a little intimidated by the awesome guys and gals who post their designs.

Now, I decided to throw caution to the wind and begin with this "piquant" design. Checkout the pattern here. I've never been too keen on doing lace-y patterns because they require a lot of concentration (and when I'm commuting, holding on to the bars on the bus is what commands my full attention). But this pattern is simple and attractive, so I'm giving it a go.

This is the yarn I chose. I fell in love with it. It's a cotton blend and fairly chunky. At the same time it isn't too heavy.

The color is similar to my favorite cardigan. I wear the darn thing everywhere and at all's getting kinda embarrassing so my intention is to retire my poor, worn out cardigan for this new fangled garment

This is how far I got on the first day. Not bad, right?

Well you can't see too much of the sweater yet, but it's coming along rather nicely. I've even decided to do a second one in a ecru colored yarn that I've had for almost a year.

Well, I'll be posting more of my progress tomorrow. I've already started on the lace-y part...I've also already started on the front left (just cuz I got bored with the lace. Ha!)

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Sorry I haven't updated recently. It's just that I've been preoccupied with a pressing matter. It's a touchy subject, but I promise I will give you all of the dirty details once I get it resolved.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I've taken on yet another knitting project. Yes, I'm crazy. But I look at it this way. So many people have told me that they've been knitting/crocheting one garment or accessory for ages. Most of them have it stashed away and after a while they just shrug it off with a sense of having failed in the attempt. My advice to them is: "You've got to get more projects goin'". That way you can move from one project to the other when you're bored. Besides, the more you have, the more likely you are to finish at least one (especially easy stuff). Then you can look at the finished piece as a success and the others as challenges waiting to be conquered. How corny! Well, at least that's how it's worked for me. ;)

If you want to see my new challenge, the pattern can be found here: I bought a gorgeous, almost hot pink cotton yarn to make it.

I will definitely be taking pictures of my progress.