Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 8 - One thing that irritates me is...

...when people insist on romanizing Korean. In general, I find it strange (I would have used "maniacal", but I'm trying to be more precise and appropriate with my word choices) that anyone would choose to exclusively learn the romanized version of any language and here's why.

Romanization is to Korean (and any other language) what sound-spelling is to English. It's basically a more. So, when I see everyone writing in romanized Korean, I imagine myself writing English in sound-spelling. It would make little sense and could be wildly confusing. You can't look the romanized version of the word up in a dictionary (just like an English dictionary is not alphabetized according to sound spelling). And to make matters worse, there are different versions of romanization.

The biggest excuse I hear for not using Hanguel (한글, the Korean alphabet) is that their phone doesn't support it. I guess I'm kinda old-fashioned, but those kids surely can't be studying on their phones, can they? And if you really cared about learning/knowing the language, wouldn't you invest in having it on your phone? Well, I would. Period. In fact, that condition will determine the purchase of my next cellphone.

So, all I can say is: Knock it off...You're rocking my nerves! (hahaha)

Til next time, guys!

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