Friday, October 22, 2010

Crafty Idea of the Week - Halloween Edition

Hey, y'all! I've finally found a moment to sit down and update the old blog. I hope that today's crafty idea will be worth the wait. Since Halloween is close at hand, and everyone is probably running around looking for their costumes (or rather waiting 'til the last minute to throw one together), I got to thinking about the poor, neglected trick or treat bag.

Remember the plastic jack o lanterns we used to go trick or treating? or the plastic bags we would get at school? They were cool and got the job done. But, they were always missing the cute factor...until now. I recently came across these candy corn trick or treat bags and thought I would share.


Here's the link if you want to check out the patterns and instructions. It looks pretty easy, and I bet you could even change the color the stripe to match your outfit!
Happy Halloween everyone...have fun and be safe.

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