Tuesday, June 21, 2011


After much thought, I have decided to change the direction of my blog. As you can see in the blog description (in the header), I no longer subscribe to "a blog about crafts & life". Don't get me wrong, I still love crafts. I do consider myself to be, for the most part, a craftsman. I like making things with my hands, I love cooking, baking, etc. But, I realized that that's not what this blog was "supposed" to be about.

Without knowing it (or rather, failing to admit it to myself), the main purpose of this blog was to talk about myself and how I've managed to build my life even if (especially because) it's not quite how I imagined it would be when I was kid.

Lately, I've been reminded about something my high school director said to me. I used to compete in extemporaneous speech, and I wasn't great at it. But, I did manage to do some damage especially when I got a topic that I was passionate about. Once he told me that he knew exactly what rounds I would do well in when he got a chance to look at the topics. "The environment? Oh, yeah, Pini's going to knock this one out of the park." And (as much as I hated to admit it) he was right.

The greatest lesson I think that I learned from that is that life is easy, pleasurable and satisfying when you follow your heart. Well, lately I haven't been following my heart, and that has been a bummer. So, that's one of the reasons (maybe the only one or at least the most important one) that motivated my changing the course of this blog.

I hope that those of you following me and those of you who stumble upon this blog are not taken aback by this change. Trust me when I say: it was a change that needed to be made :) and I'm quite certain that it will actually make me want to blog more frequently. So, until next time!

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