Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 17 - Hmpf!

I am dreading the new FB changes. I really don't understand what the deal is with providing less and less privacy. It all seems very "high-school" to me. I'm a grown woman, and I use Facebook daily to keep in touch with friends and family from ACROSS THE WORLD. I'm sure that I am not the only one.

Facebook is very convenient for keeping everyone reunited in one spot...and that's my main reason for singing it's praises. But, when I start losing control of my privacy or when it becomes more and more difficult to find and alter my privacy settings, it makes me think twice about keeping my profile.

The last change was awful. (also, totally sure that I'm not the only one who thinks so). The ticker was - and still is - a pain. I only use it for quick answers and seldomly. I don't see why I have to know that so-n-so liked this-n-that or became friends with another so-n-so. And I can't find the turn-off option for that particular information. Yes, I have unsubscribed from everyone's "comments and likes", but I still get informed about them. If anyone has a tip, I'd be happy to hear it.

Anyways, I'm going to wait to see the new time line to see if I definitely leave Facebook for Google+ or if the changes are user-friendly (and privacy-appropriate) enough for me. Here's a link so that you can read up on what you need to do before your profile changes to the time line. Pay close attention to the "frictionless sharing" information.

Hope y'all have a good day! See ya tomorrow...

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