Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 29 - New therapy regimen

Blech! I'm not all that excited about the things that my acupuncture therapist prescribed: some pills, a change in diet, a cleanse, etc. The only thing I'm actually on board with is the elimination of white foods: flour, sugar and salt. Since I'm now only eating fruits in the morning, I know that soon I won't crave sugar anymore. Backstory: I was on the anti-diet a few years back, and I practically eliminated sugar from my diet. I even spent a couple of months not eating processed foods (that was fANtastic!). So, that part of the diet is pretty darn great.

The part that is turning me off is the soaked chia, flaxseed and prune concoction I have to eat before breakfast every morning for one month. I don't need any more fiber in my diet. I'm dead serious. Eating fruits in the morning plus that additional salad at dinner is perfect for me. But, as I am an obedient patient, I'll tough out the gummy stuff...for a while, anyways. The gumminess comes from the chia and makes everything a flavorless tapioca-type gel. So, the flavor and texture ain't the problem (I actually like tapioca), it's the idea of it. The prunes help, but I'm not the biggest fan of prunes. I much prefer other dried fruits.

Anyways, hopefully I'll get over the yuck factor soon.

So, talk to ya' tomorrow. Good night for today.

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